Park Operators: Tips to Get More Guests During Shoulder Season

Did you feel it? It happened just the other day… summer ended, the peak season is over, kids are back in school and the retirees and empty nesters are heading back out. With the change of the season comes a change in your messaging.

It is time to get the shoulder season dates filled up. This time of year is when discounts, special rates and special events can become big draws. You are now competing against school, sports and less crowded parks. Get creative to give people a reason to come. Here are some ideas:

1. Local Heroes Weekend – half price camping to all firefighters, police, active duty military, EMS etc on a targeted weekend.

2. Halloween weekends are HUGE for family parks. One of our clients has 3 of them and they are already sold out.

3. For overnight parks – 30% off to all out of state guests.

Be unique, be creative and target your main audiences to keep occupancy up.

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